Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Importing components from Schematics to PCB in Altium

Import all components from your schematics to PCB and get ready to start placement.
Is important to highlight that our goal is not goin too deep into diferent Altium tools, our goal is to create single layer boards, simple and fast.
Version used: Altium 17
To start it is better to check couple things:
1- Your PCB and Schematics files are in the same project.

2- All your files are saved. You can look at a small paper icon (if it's red is not saved) at the "Projects" tab from your right window or in your files a star mark (*) will appear in unsaved files. Be sure you saved it all, your paper icon is white and there is no star mark in your files.


Go to the PCB file and press d+i

Now "Execute" changes and be sure all your marks are green.

Press v+d to zoom to fit.

Delete this red box.

Attention! If you have some compilation error in your project a red message will appear (look below), click to review your errors and fix them if necessary.

Attention2! If some component doesn't have package, you'll get a red a message like bellow. Then go to your schematics, double click in the component, press "Add" in the Models box at the bottom right, select footprint and Browse your package. Soon I'll post something related to libraries and a link it here.
As the component wasn't placed (because it doesn't have Footprint) you also get connection errors. Don't mind about connection errors if you still doesn't have all components available to import. Do solve footprints issues first.

TIP: At this point, as you didn't start any placement, just to avoid problems, if you are not happy to your importation and want to make some changes in the schematics or footprints, do your changes, delete all components and room box and try to import them all together after your modifications. If you just import the modifications again your new components will be placed on top of others and will start firing DRC issues. 
TIP2: If you follow the first TIP but in your case you have several errors and need to fix them one by one, instead of pressing "Execute" you can press in "Validate" to only see the errors, without placing the components in the PCB file. This way you won't need to delete all components every time you change something.
Information: All your components are inside this red box, which is named room. Altium has some features using rooms to separate a project into groups or even copy the routing if two rooms have the same circuit (two channels amp for example). But as our goal is to keep it simple, just delete this red box.

Set and done, let's start playing serious now!

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