Version used: Altium 17
There are several ways to create the board shape. You could use the PCB wizard or even import a SolidWorks file to create your shape, but as our target is the competition, lets keep it fast and simple.
Using your brand-new PCB file, that you've created following this post, lets start.
Start by pressing "q" to change from inches (mils) to millimeters (look your footer menu to notice it).
Press "g" and select your grid as 1mm. At this point a bigger grid is better to create board with even and precise sizes.
Now change your layer to "Mechanical 1" by pressing + or - if you have a numlock keyboard. If you don't, use Ctrl(hold)+Shift(hold)+scroll up/down.
Press p+l to place a line (if you are in the correct layer your line will be pink). Now your cursor have a cross indicating you pick some tool. To quit the place line tool right click or press Esc.
With the Place line tool active click anywhere in the screen
Now press Shift(hold)+spacebar, it will change the shape style of your line. As you want a rectangular board, keep pressing spacebar until find the 90 degrees style.
Move your cursor and look at the lines size through dx and dy at the popup dimension window.
Click, go to the diagonal opposite corner, click and go back to your first point. (click in the origin when you see a small circle in your cursor, it means you will close the rectangle). This example has a 20x20mm board.
Right click to quit the tool
Finally press e+s+a+d+s+d+v+d (is selects all lines [e+s+a], define them as your board shape [d+s+d] and zoom to fit the screen[v+d]).
OK! You are ready to start your placement!
It looks nice and detailed