Sunday, 29 April 2018

Emirates Skills 2018 hardware design

The hardware test project is an irrigation system

It uses a very simple moisture sensor made by a PCB and transistor. To prolong the sensor life (avoiding corrosion) the circuit doesn't work all time, but it powers up the sensor periodically to read moisture values.

As an user interface, there are a few LEDs. Green shows power connected, white blinks when a sensor reading is being performed and red is the output to turn on a water valve or pump in case a dry measure.

The circuit is powered by 12V (relay voltage). In this PCB there is no SMD components, only PTH.

Starting by design, the competitors should answer the pages 4 to 9 from the test project description. All questions somehow refer to the current design.
The student has 2 hours to finish those 6 questions but after the first hour all answers can be submitted. After answering the competitor receives a reference schematics to start drawing it on Altium Designer. At this point is not allowed to start PCB design, only drawing Schematics.
Is not allowed any extra consult material, except the folder containing the Best practices for PCB design, libraries, BOM and datasheets.

After 2 hours time's up for design and PCB design starts for 2.5 hours.

Finally the boards are fabricated and the competitors could solder their boards. They should know where to solder each component based on the main board pdf generated from the designed project and, moisture sensor pdf (containing schematics and placement references).
 Those who couldn't finish the PCB within 2.5 hours can user a reference board to solder and they will also receive a pdf from this reference board. Points will be reduced in this case.
All Altium project and fabrication files can be found here.


If you want to see more about how was Emirates Skills 2018, look at this page.

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